maanantai 24. marraskuuta 2014

Innovative approach to learning Business English

We mean business - in English

by Craig Donald and Marja Orpana-Niitlahti


"Global players from Salpaus"

Our vision is to serve the life of work in the Lahti region with internationally competent and qualified workforce with good English skills and attract students with our internationally acclaimed business study approach. 


"We will change the world together"

Our mission is to help and motivate our students learn Business English better in a real life business context by peer instruction and 'learning by doing' method.

"We will make it happen together"

Our strategy comprises the following elements: our students are in the core of the learning process and learning activities, they make learning happen; they create their own learning materials during the process, they solve problems by searching for information from different sources and furthermore, our students acquire key competences for the working life such as communication, learning to learn, entrepreneurship, problem solving, ICT skills, active citizenship and cultural awareness.

We make use of the latest technology: the students create a company website by using Wix, they manage their project work with the help of Trello, tablets are used to make videos of product and company presentations, and all the company documents are saved in the cloud. They learn to keep in touch through Skype, create blogs for marketing purposes  and last but not least, the office programs are used to create all the documents a business needs.

The teachers' job is not to teach in the traditional way by lecturing in the classroom but instead to give the students the tools needed and be the catalyst to allow the students the freedom to find the solution and learn the skills in their own way.

"We trust in our students"

Our values are based on mutual trust. We also value learning together with the students. Our core value is to appreciate the effort of each individual and we work in teams - no one is left on their own in this learning process.

What is our new training approach about? Listen to Craig explain it.

1 kommentti:

  1. "Annamme opiskelijoille tarvittavat oppimisen työkalut, toimimme prosessissa katalysaattorina. Opiskelijalla on vapaus löytää ratkaisut ja oppia taidot omalla tavallaan. Ketään ei kuitenkaan jätetä yksin oppimisprosessinsa kanssa." Marjan ja Craigin kommentteihin on helppo yhtyä. Tarvitsemme Salpauksessa omasta työstään innostuneita opettajia, jotta oppimisen into syttyisi myös meidän opiskelijoillamme täyteen roihuunsa. Tulevaisuudessa opiskelijan oma motivaatio ja halu etsiä itse ratkaisuja sekä ottaa itse vastuuta oppimisprosessistaan korostuu entisestään. Opettajat ovat laskeutumassa kateederiltaan alas yhä lähemmäs opiskelijaa ja rooli muuttumassa lähemmäksi valmentajan roolia. Tämä innostaminen ja innostuneisuus koskee myös Salpauksen tukihenkilöstöä johon itsekin kuulun. Kannustava ja innostava asenne jokaista opiskelijaa kohtaan joka ikinen päivä saa opiskelijat ponnistamaan täysillä tavoitettaan kohti ja ylittämään itsensä.
